Hi all!
I have photos to share, but haven't uploaded them yet. Today I painted the master bathroom, which made a huge difference. Pictures to come. I also haven't shared pictures from Christmas or from organizing the closets. We don't have too many pictures from Christmas since we're the type of family that totally forgets about a camera when we're having so much fun! I'll see what I have, though.
In other news, I'm continuing to play with and learn more about my new program, Photoshop Elements 9. I like being able to edit photos, and hope to learn how to create other things on it, like prints. I also wanted to explore the world of Digital Scrapbooking. At first I turned my nose up at it, since it's not the real thing. Then when I realized how much cheaper it could be (assuming I only use free embellishments and paper) and how much less time consuming and MESSY it would actually be, I became interested. Not that I don't want to stop regular-scrapbooking (after all I just bought a craft table for just that).
Anyway, in true Lindsay fashion I got my mind on it and went a bit crazy with downloading free supplies. I also procrastinated doing the trim work in the bathroom today by organizing all the supplies into different folders in Picasa for easy previewing and organizing (ribbons, tags, alphabets, paper, buttons, etc.). Picasa, as I've been reading, is a great way to organize digital scrapbooking supplies because you can search by file name, color, type, etc. So it's like digging through drawers without all the hassle!
Without further ado, here is my first scrapbook page. It's a bit silly and cheesy (I was just playing around - ignore the quick text I put in.. not that it's not true) but I think it turned out alright. I'm excited to make more!