Friday, December 31, 2010

A taste of 2010...

I can't believe today is the last day of 2010! It's been another eventful year for the hubs and I, and we look forward to an excellent, but slightly more calm, 2011. We are ready to focus on our careers, home, and enjoying life (starting a new hobby, trying new things?? we shall see...).

Here's a look at some of the memorable things we experienced this year:
We bought our first house in April.

We painted A LOT in 2010.

We celebrated our one-year anniversary in Montana and Glacier National Park. This is us *almost* done hiking a 13-mile trail. Followed by napping, eating a too-fancy dinner, and sharing a giant brownie!

We spent another Black Friday weekend in Portland. Tried out a new pizza place, went to the market, a fun time!

John put up Christmas lights! What a man!
We camped for John's 27th birthday, and went to the Olympic Game Farm Park!

I switched jobs and am SO happy to be at Drum. That's my fantastic teaching partner and I on school spirit day. Who wouldn't want us as teachers, I mean really?

We did a few hours of Relay for Life to celebrate me momma! Hope to lead a team or participate the whole time this year... we'll see!

New Year's Resolutions:
  • Cook at home more - with us both working, me being so picky, and me not particularly enjoying cooking we seem to easily get off track with planning meals and eating something healthy for dinner. I made a meal planner and shopping list sheet on photoshop and hope to stick to it as much as possible.
  • Start my master's program- I am nearly done with my application and hope to start in May. There are basically 6 "quarters" (very contradictory) each year and I have 11 classes to take, so I hope to finish in a year. 
  • Find a gym/workout schedule that works for me- this is a standard for most, I think. Perhaps I'll just keep playing Just Dance on Wii? That should do it...
  • Find a cleaning schedule that works for me - I have been coming home and vegging out most weeknights, so I hope to be more productive
  • Finish my craft room and our dining room - I have plans for these, it's just a matter of budgeting them out. :)
  • Keep on saving... - as hard as it can be sometimes, we're still leaving below our means and putting the majority of my salary in savings - it's been very satisfying seeing what we've been able to accomplish financially.
Hope everyone else is satisfied with their 2010 and here's to a great 2011!


  1. Happy New Year! Sounds like you had such a fun year. I am so glad you love Drum!

  2. Sounds like you are ready to start a new year? Question.... how did you make your meal planner/shopping list?

  3. Hi! I made my meal planner very similar to the ones you see on etsy, using photoshop. I made 2 columns: The left is Sun-Sat with 2 lines (1 for any events we have going on and 1 for what our dinner will be) and the right is just a big space with lines for creating the grocery list from the meals. I only made room for dinner since it's just my husband and I and we eat at work... If you want it I can send the file to you - it's pretty basic, though. :)


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