Monday, April 11, 2011

Attack of the...


I inadvertently wore my contacts for 24 hours while flying back from D.C. on Friday. My left eye was not happy on Saturday, but I just figured it was dry. By Sunday I couldn't be in any sort of lit area (cloudy skies and TVs count) without my eye and the area above and below my eye having shooting pains.

It looked like this:
P.S. If you'd like to be grossed out even further, google-image "Iritis" and you'll find all sorts of gross eyes with oddly shaped pupils --- eeek!

So, John called the nurse hotline for me and they advised I go to Urgent Care. I got checked in at 7:30 and was there until 11:30 pm. Very annoying.

They thought I had a scratch on my cornea, but it turns out I have something called Iritis, which is basically inflammation of the colored part of your eye. It can be caused from wearing contacts too long. It causes redness, sensitivity to light, and intense pain. Check, check, and check. They gave me Vicodin (anyone want my 19 extra pills? Just kidding) and medicated eye drops that are basically a blend of antibiotics (in case it was infected) and steroids.

Yes. I am on steroids.

Anyway, my eye is much less creepy looking and I feel a lot better. I took off work today because the thought of standing in front of a projector in a fluorescent-lit room made my head hurt all over again. I also saw the Optometrist today just to make sure it wasn't a sign of something more serious. Like going blind. It's amazing what scary things you can find when you google "eye is red and sensitive to light."

Anyway, an alarming situation (anything with the eyes is scary), but all is well with me oculi.

Just thought you'd like to know.

1 comment:

  1. Gross!! That sounds awful and painful. I did google some other pics...some peoples eye's look like they are wearing those weird contacts!So bizarre!!


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