Monday, May 9, 2011

If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Well, I haven't really updated on how I've been/what I've been up to lately, and this blog is also for me to record this time of my life. So, here's a brief update on what's happening over here in Fife.

"Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."

Professionally, this week has been challenging. Our assistant principal died in a motorcycle accident last Saturday. I feel like I can say this because it's become very public in our community, and I only have good things to say about him. This was really my first time dealing with a sudden death - all others I had experienced were not a surprise, but rather something we knew was coming. So, it's a different process I am going through. This has really made me re-think how I conduct my everyday life and if I'm being the person I want to be. I also felt that it was my duty to be the "listener" this week and be a positive presence for my grieving peers. I have gained a lot from this experience despite there being a huge loss.

Not only from this experience but just as I get older, I am also reflecting a lot on my outlook on life. I have realized that I am a happy, silly person, and any sort of negativity really brings me down internally. Competitive conversations, complaining, and other negative attention-seeking behaviors just wear me out. I am making it my goal to make sure I am more positive and keep the light-hearted side of my personality in the forefront. I don't want to be the sickeningly sweet person that's way too cheery. Don't get me wrong, I have definitely complained about the weird headache I've had all week or the laziness some of my students are exhibiting, but I don't want pity for those things and I don't want them to rule my life.

From the Be More with Less blog that I read, I have taken this excerpt from the most recent post called, "It's time to start living your life." Yes, it's a bit of a dramatic call-to-action title, but I took away some great reminders:

Stay in the moment
  • Breathe. When all else fails, turn your attention to the simple movement of your breath.
  • Write. When your mind starts to wander, take a few minutes and jot your thoughts down about the place you are not.
  • Mix it up. Is there something small you can change to make the place you are more appealing? Add music or a change in schedule.
  • Engage. Why do you have time to think and live somewhere else? Dig in and engage in what you are doing.
  • Give thanks. Maybe your current situation is not ideal, but it could be worse. If you find yourself complaining, turn to gratitude.
  • Get out. Maybe it’s not a permanent change, but perhaps a walk will help clear your head.
  • Really change. If you are often thinking about somewhere else, or unhappy on a daily basis, put change in motion…right now.
 I'm thinking of getting rid of my facebook as part of this. I like that I can keep in touch with people, but I don't like this it's another means of getting attention and reaction. I don't like feeling pressured to be that way and/or feeling less than anyone else because of what I see. We'll see.

In other news, I am beginning the second week of my second term of my Masters program. I'm taking two courses this time around, and so far I've been able to stay ahead (I only have a few more things to do in week 2!). If I am able to keep up this pace I can finish the program by the end of February 2012. Here's hoping!
We only have 6 weeks left of school and boy do I need to stay focused!


  1. I love this post. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your assistant principal--that must be very rough for you and your school!

    Those tips are great and definitely ones I'd like to keep in mind and put into practice :)

    Good luck with your classes--that's so exciting that you are getting so much done!

  3. Lindsay- what a great list of reminders. I'm sorry to hear about the loss you and your school are dealing with. Take care and keep living your life in that happy light.

  4. Just discovered you "missing" on FB, and hunted out the reason here. I totally understand your choice, and yet, I shall miss having you handy...

  5. Ha ha yeah you caught me. It brings me down too much and it wastes my time. :) I'm still in a "trial" period. So we'll see.


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