Monday, March 21, 2011

sTEALing my heart

2 coats done on my dresser. A third-fourth coat is in order for it to be totally complete. Not sure if I'll be able to get to it tomorrow, we'll see.

I also picked up a small can of Minwax water-based Polycrylic in High Gloss. I usually just stick to the semi-gloss I have, but I really wanted the dresser to look more professional, and I think it will help to add a bit of sheen. Hopefully I remember correctly that it goes on pretty easily with a sponge brush. I just hate sanding in between coats. Oh well.

The color I went with is Martha Stewart's Plumage. I felt like an idiot asking for it because I wasn't quite sure how to pronounce... it involved a lot of pointing. As I've mentioned before, Glidden is my favorite brand of paint to work with, and Glidden makes Martha Stewart. I got a tester of that and Ralph Lauren Reflecting Pool, and they are so similar. Anyway, Martha's tester sizes are so huge-normous (8 oz.) that I'm not even done with mine after two coats! Now that's a cheap-o paint job.

Can't wait to show you! This will bring my big-furniture makeover count to 3. Wee!

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